Vsphere Client 5.5 Download Free Rating: 8,4/10 2371 votes

With the 5.5 code now announced and generally available, the article below is largely superseded by the simpler, newer, shinier article:
Download all the VMware vSphere 5.5 pieces to get your home lab started

VMware Software Manager makes it easy to find, select, and download the content needed to install or upgrade a VMware product or suite with the push of a button. Download Now Customers who have purchased VMware vSphere 6.0 can download their relevant installation package from the product download tab below.

Original article appears below, with timeline of URL publication status appended below. Here's a short, easily shared link to this page, bit.ly/downloadesxi55

Vsphere Client 5.5 Download Free Download

All the bits are the same, regardless of the source. Licensing is where things differ.

Vsphere Client 5.5 Download Free

If you have a VMware Account and license keys:

Start here:

You may encounter the unfortunate 'Unable to Complete Your Request We cannot complete your request at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible' error.

Here's another URL that leads you to all the ESXi versions:
www.vmware.com/go/download-vspherehypervisor 2014 forest hills drive documentary.

once you choose 5.5 in the drop down menu, you get to the same place however.
[These issues went away Sunday Sep 22, 2013, once VMware brought the links back online]

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Grab that VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance) too, you're going to need it! Look for the 4 'VMware vCenter Server Appliance' files here:

If you're looking for the free VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5 Hypervisor:

This general link that's worked for a long time doesn't seem to link to a helpful page at the moment:

Free Vsphere Web Client 5.5 Download

You might also try this link:

Grab that VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance) too, you're going to need it! Look for the 4 'VMware vCenter Server Appliance' files here:

If you're looking to sign up to receive a 60-day evaluation of vSphere 5.5, including ESXi 5.5:

Visit either
[www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/features-esxi-hypervisor]( http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/features-esxi-hypervisor)
[www.vmware.com/go/evaluate-vsphere-en]( http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/features-esxi-hypervisor)
then fill out the form, which it confirms. Not sure when those requests will get filled.
[turns out, at 2:05pm ET on Sep 22, an email went out inviting folks who signed up to download]

If you're just looking for VMware vSphere Client 5.5 installer:

If the above links all fail, and you just want a piece of the new code, there is one link that works fine, the vSphere Client public download URL that requires no authentication. Explanation and screenshots right on TinkerTry.com, over here.



Sep 20 2013 02:37am ET - The download URLs for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) have gone live! RTM (Release to Manufacture), GA (Generally Available), whatever you want to call it. So the release is apparently happening, despite no new press release, so far.

Sep 20 2013 12:42pm ET - The first obviously 5.5 related URL below no longer shows a drop down menu for 5.5, reverting to 5.1 as the latest available. This is a step backward from earlier today, so apparently VMware just isn't quite ready yet.

Follow @tinkererguy on Twitter and I'll do my best to notify you, once I've achieved download success, although I will be on a plane to Indianapolis shortly. All information that appears below is subject to change at any time, to give you the latest links that work. Please visit again later for the latest info, or follow @tinkererguy to get alerted to updated info.

Sep 22 2013 02:22pm ET - You heard it here first, by commenter Joey y DiJulio below:

Ladies and gentlemen.. Start your emgines! Its working.. YAY!!!!

Thank you Joey, your comment seemed particularly appropriate, as I'm sitting in Indianapolis Airport right near a race car. Go go downloads! If you're looking for a short URL version of this page to share:

gets you to:
which means my recent YouTube video about 62TB virtual drives was of the RTM code. Adobe premiere pro cc 2018 download.

Sep 22 2013 03:06 pm ET - Duncan Epping's Yellow Bricks list of links:

In this post, I am not going to discuss about any technical stuffs or troubleshooting. This Post is purely to easy of vSphere Admins who want to download the VMware vSphere Client. I have athered the Download link of all versions of vSphere Client starting from vSphere Client v4.1 Update 1 to the latest release vSphere Client 6.0 Update 3. Just click on the vSphere Client Image in the below table to directly download the respective vSphere Client version.

vSphere Client VersionInstaller File NameDownload Link (Click on the Image to Download)
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 1VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-345043.exe
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 2VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-491557.exe
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 3VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-799345.exe
VMware vSphere Client v5.0VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-455964.exe
VMware vSphere Client v5.0 Update 1VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-623373.exe
VMware vSphere Client v5.0 Update 2VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-913577.exe
vSphere Client v5.0 Update 3VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-1300600.exe
VMware vSphere Client v5.1VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-786111.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.1.0aVMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-860230.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.1.0bVMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-941893.exe
vSphere Client 5.1 Update 1VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-1064113.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.1 Update 1bVMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-1235233.exe
vSphere Client 5.1 Update 2VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-11471691.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.5VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1281650.exe
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 1VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1618071.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update 2VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1993072.exe
vSphere Client 5.5

Update 1b

VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update CVMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1745234.exe
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update 1aVMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1746248.ex
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 3VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-3024345.exe
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 3eVMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-4032365.exe
VMware vSphere Client 6.0VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-2502222.exe
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 1VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3016447.exe
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 2VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3562874.exe
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 2aVMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-4437566.exe
VMware vSphere Client 6.0 Update 3VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-5112508.exe

I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for reading!!. Be Social and share it in social media,if you feel worth sharing it.

vSphere 6.5 Blog posts:

What’s New with VMware vSphere 6.5?
vSphere 6.5 -What’s New with vCenter 6.5?
What’s New with Virtual SAN 6.5? – New Features Overview
vSphere 6.5 -What’s New with vSphere 6.5 HA & DRS
vSphere 6.5 – What’s is in VMware vSphere 6.5 Fault Tolerance?
Download VMware vSphere 6.5 – Get your Copy to Evaluate!!!
vSphere 6.5 – Deploying vCenter appliance 6.5
Deploying vCenter 6.5 External Platform Services Controller
Deploying vCenter Server appliance 6.5 with External PSC
vSphere 6.5 – Configuring vCenter Server 6.5 HA
vSphere 6.5 – vCenter 6.5 Native HA Failover Testing
vSphere 6.5 Configuration Maximums – What’s New?
vSphere 6.5 – How VM’s are Secured using vSphere 6.5 Security Features?
Migrate Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to vCenter Server appliance 6.5

vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 Posts

The Ultimate Revelation Of Reset VCSA 6.5 Root Password in 60 seconds
6 Basic Commands to Interact with VCSA 6.5 Embedded VPostgres Database
6 Tips for Configuring Firewall To Manage VCSA 6.5 Postgres Database Remotely You Can Learn From VMwareArena
How to Connect VCSA 6.5 Embedded Postgres Database using pgAdmin (With GUI) -VMware Unsupported
WinSCP Connection to VCSA failed – “Received too large SFTP packet”
How to Backup vCenter Appliance 6.5 Embedded Postgres Database
How to Monitor vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 performance using vimtop
Become an Expert on vCenter Server appliance Log File Location in 120 seconds
How to Backup And Restore VCSA 6.5 – The Ultimate Cheatsheet
How to Join VCSA 6.5 to Active Directory Domain from Web Client
How to Configure Active Directory Authentication for vCenter Server 6.5

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