Dave And Busters Unlimited Video Game Card Rating: 8,2/10 6474 votes

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  1. Dave And Busters Game Cost

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Nov 15, 2018 - Dave & Busters sports bars have a happy hour featuring discounts on beer, wine and cocktails. Each D&B has a full-service restaurant and a video arcade. The Dave & Buster's Power Card activates all the Midway games.

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Dave And Busters Game Cost

So weak that half of the games you want to play aren't included. So unlimited video games really only means any game that DOES NOT give out tickets... which is maybe three different genre of games (air-hockey/racing games/shooting games... oh and guitar hero... but does anyone still actually play that?).
Not to mention my card didn't work properly 95% of the time I was there (40 minutes) and asked for a refund that was promptly denied. I think out of the party I was with (about 10 people) and the some 10 other strangers walking around the games, more than half of our 'power cards' weren't working... hmmmm I guess all 20 of us were trying to scam the business......

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