Kartu Stok Barang Rating: 7,9/10 5879 votes
In this paper, we have analyzed a serial operational level Supply Chain Performance like fill rate, Build –To - Stock etc., under an uncertainty environment for the optimality using a stochastic customer order. It evaluates minimum cost.. more
In this paper, we have analyzed a serial operational level Supply Chain
Performance like fill rate, Build –To - Stock etc., under an uncertainty environment
for the optimality using a stochastic customer order. It evaluates minimum cost in
supply chain, simultaneously optimize quantitative decision variables and illustrates
the significance of capacity variable. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate
the benefit of the proposed strategies and the effects of changes on the cost and
parameters are studied
    • by IAEME Publication

Resident evil for pc. Permasalahan yang terjadi di bagian gudang di perusahaan 'X' adalah sering terjadi ketidak-sesuaian antara jumlah stok barang dengan yang tercatat di kartu.


Kartu Stok Barang Sekolah

Introduction: Despite the desirable characteristics of the Hooper Sexual Problems questionnaire in studying the problems and strengthening sexual relations, the standardization of the questionnaire has not been done in Iran. Objective:.. more
Introduction: Despite the desirable characteristics of the Hooper Sexual Problems questionnaire in studying the problems and strengthening sexual relations, the standardization of the questionnaire has not been done in Iran. Objective: The current study aimed at standardizing the Hopper sex problems questionnaire in Iranian couples. Materials and Methods: The current methodological study was conducted on 310 couples (620 people), selected by multistage random sampling method, to assess the construct validity (convergent and differential validity), criterion validity, and the internal consensus estimation of the questionnaire. In the next stage, 120 couples (240 people) were selected through convenience sampling method to estimate the structural validity, temporal stability, and reliability of the observers. The formal validity and qualitative content validity, structural validity (exploratory factor analysis), and criterion validity were used to estimate the validity of the questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha was used in order to measure the internal consistency of the questionnaire. The test-retest was used to check the temporal stability of the questionnaire. Finally, the Kappa coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the observers. Results: The results of qualitatively checking the validity was satisfactory. The convergent validity was satisfactory with marital satisfaction questionnaire (r=0.80) and sexual satisfaction questionnaire (r=0.74) and differential doping with mental health questionnaire (r=-0.39). The criterion validity of the sexual problem questionnaire determined 37.8% and 62.1% of the marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction variances, respectively. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire items explained at least 55% and at most 92% of the total variance of the test. The Cronbach alpha of the questionnaire was 0.976, the reliability of the retest was 0.63, and the mean agreement coefficient between the experts was 0.64 (P<0.05). Conclusion: The Hooper Sexual Problems questionnaire has desirable reliability and validity and can be used as a tool to study and evaluate sexual relations.
    • by HNMJ Journal
ANDRADE, Paula R. de. PATRIMÔNIO AMBIENTAL URBANO: A IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO PATRIMÔNIO DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO SOB UM NOVO OLHAR. In: Encontro Internacional sobre Patrimônio Edificado, 2013, Salvador. Anais do IV Encontro Internacional sobre.. more
ANDRADE, Paula R. de. PATRIMÔNIO AMBIENTAL URBANO: A IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO PATRIMÔNIO DA CIDADE DE SÃO PAULO SOB UM NOVO OLHAR. In: Encontro Internacional sobre Patrimônio Edificado, 2013, Salvador. Anais do IV Encontro Internacional sobre Preservação do Patrimônio Edificado - ARQUIMEMÓRIA. Salvador: IAB-BA, 2013. v. 4.
RESUMO Nesse artigo, apresentamos uma análise das principais referências que foram identificadas por terem contribuído à concepção de uma nova abordagem no campo da conceituação do patrimônio edificado empreendida por arquitetos paulistas durante a década de 1970, e que compreendemos fazer parte do processo de germinação do conceito de Patrimônio Ambiental Urbano empreendido a partir deste período. Nosso trabalho trata dessa questão a partir da investigação e análise dos primeiros trabalhos de identificação do patrimônio da cidade, dos primeiros inventários do “patrimônio ambiental urbano”, daqueles que foram realizados durante a fase embrionária da política de preservação da cidade de São Paulo, concebida com base no planejamento urbano. Para o entendimento do universo conceitual e metodológico vivenciado e empreendido pelos autores envolvidos nestes trabalhos - participantes da primeira geração de agentes preservacionistas da cidade - partimos para a investigação do campo da formação intelectual e especialista em preservação a que tiveram contato, procurando assim, identificar os elementos e relações que possam ter contribuído à concepção de uma “nova sensibilidade”, que caracterizou conceitual e metodologicamente os inventários analisados, e que, a nosso ver, contribuiu significativamente na adoção de uma nova linha de pensamento sobre o patrimônio edificado, nitidamente refletido tanto na contribuição acadêmica como na prática preservacionista empreendida por esses profissionais a partir de então. Palavras-chave: patrimônio, cidade, inventário, conceito, metodologia.
    • by Paula Andrade
The article proposes to present an analysis of the formation and an overview of the cultural assets of the Diocese of Limeira, a portion of the Roman Catholic Church founded in 1976 and composed of 16 cities in São Paulo. Based on an.. more
The article proposes to present an analysis of the formation and an
overview of the cultural assets of the Diocese of Limeira, a portion of the
Roman Catholic Church founded in 1976 and composed of 16 cities in São Paulo. Based on an analysis of the diocesan geographical area, it tries to understand the territory as an example for the formation of a wide and diversified range of cultural assets of a religious nature, result of donations, purchases and bequests. For this purpose, it presents the safeguard processes involved in these sets, focusing on the importance of inventory routines, as well as the constitution of a decentralized museum as responsible for the integrated management of important collections that touch different areas of knowledge and act in the maintenance of a plural catholic identity.
    • by João Paulo Berto
Setiap perusahaan memiliki kebutuhan informasi yang berbeda-beda untuk meningkatkan produktivitas suatu perusahaan tersebut. Inventory dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang menyediakan stok barang baku atau barang setengah jadi atau.. more
Setiap perusahaan memiliki kebutuhan informasi yang berbeda-beda untuk meningkatkan produktivitas suatu perusahaan tersebut. Inventory dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang menyediakan stok barang baku atau barang setengah jadi atau barang jadi demi kelancaran proses pemenuhan permintaan barang. Apabila teknologi diterapkan pada E-Inventory (elektorik) dapat dikenal dengan istilah E-Inventory. Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Randik memiliki beberapa cabang atau unit yang salah satu tugas pokoknya adalah mengatur inventory. Sistem yang selama ini masih menggunakan microsoft word dan microsoft excel sebagai pengolahan datanya seperti pembuatan surat permintaan barang, pemakaian barang dan kartu stok. Pembuatan
laporan dilakukan harian, pegawai cabang atau unit sering kali mengalami kesalahan dalam merekap laporan kartu stok. Sistem E-Inventory yang akan dibangun ini menggunakan pemrograman PHP yang didukung database MySQL. Model pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah model waterfall, dimana sistem yang dibangun dengan keterurutan dan dengan pengujian ditiap langkah. data diharapkan dapat meminimalisir kesalahan dengan sistem yang terstruktur yang mempermudah dalam melakukan transaksi. Selain itu E-inventory dapat berjalan atau diakses lebih dari satu client yang terhubung pada satu server database didalam suatu jaringan komputer.
    • by Juansyah Juansyah
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In most of the industries, material handling and storage is done by industrial stackers. So industries have to pay for rack manufacturing and purchasing of stacker or turret. This goes costlier and more space, effort consuming. Many of.. more
In most of the industries, material handling and storage is done by industrial stackers. So industries have to pay for rack manufacturing and purchasing of stacker or turret. This goes costlier and more space, effort consuming. Many of the small-scale industries can't even afford it. The paper will describe one model called Smart Inventory Storage System (SISS) for material handling and storage which will save cost, effort, and space of the industry. After analyzing the successful operation of the small prototype of SISS, it is predicted that it will be a good solution to many of the small-scale industries for material handling and storage.
    • by Ijariit Journal
Sinkholes are global phenomena with significant consequences on the natural-and built environment. Significant efforts have been devoted to the assessment of sinkhole hazards to predict the spatial and temporal occurrence of future.. more
Sinkholes are global phenomena with significant consequences on the natural-and built environment. Significant efforts have been devoted to the assessment of sinkhole hazards to predict the spatial and temporal occurrence of future sinkholes as well as to detect small-scale deformation prior to collapse. Sinkhole hazard maps are created by considering the distribution of past sinkholes in conjunction with their geomorphic features, controlling conditions and triggering mechanisms. Quantitative risk assessment then involves the statistical analysis of sinkhole events in relation to these conditions with the aim of identifying high risk areas. Remote sensing techniques contribute to the field of sinkhole hazard assessment by providing tools for the population of sinkhole inventories and lend themselves to the monitoring of precursory deformation prior to sinkhole development. In this paper, we outline the background to sinkhole formation and sinkhole hazard assessment. We provide a review of earth observation techniques, both for the compilation of sinkhole inventories as well as the monitoring of precursors to sinkhole development. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these approaches and conclude by highlighting the potential role of radar interferometry in the early detection of sinkhole-induced instability resulting in a potential decrease in the risk to human lives and infrastructure by enabling proactive remediation.
Kartu stok barang gudang
    • by Andre Theron
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    • by Mabel Rafols
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This study presents the species of echinoderms found inside rhodolith branches from Seixas Beach, State of Paraíba, Brazil, during one year of rhodolith sampling. A total of 64 specimens were analyzed and identified into 12 species,.. more
This study presents the species of echinoderms found inside rhodolith branches from Seixas Beach, State of Paraíba, Brazil, during one year of rhodolith sampling. A total of 64 specimens were analyzed and identified into 12 species, belonging to 11 genera, eight families and three classes. Brief taxonomic descriptions, figures and ecological notes for recorded species are provided. Ophiuroidea and Holothuroidea were the most representative taxa. Biogenic structures are an important habitat for young specimens and some small species of Echinodermata. Some species complete their life cycle in these structures, while others spend part of their life in these substrates and may also migrate to other habitats. The work complements the knowledge of echinoderm biodiversity from Northeastern of Brazil and aims to support future projects of protection and sustainable management of this area.
    • by Dimitri A Costa
    • by GRM Gallo-Romeins Museum Tongeren (BE)
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The archive of the Consulate of Tuscany in Alexandria of Egypt (1828-1860) is currently being reorganized and described in an inventory. The archival organization and the indexing allow a preliminary photograph of the Tuscan community in.. more
The archive of the Consulate of Tuscany in Alexandria of Egypt (1828-1860) is currently being reorganized and described in an inventory. The archival organization and the indexing allow a preliminary photograph of the Tuscan community in Alexandria, one of the most important foreign colonies in the town during the years before the unification of Italy. The papers, preserved in the Archivio storico diplomatico of the Italian Foreign Ministry, carry the reader along a journey in the daily life of the town and in the commercial affairs of the Tuscan community. //
L’intervento di ordinamento e inventariazione dell’archivio del Consolato del Granducato di Toscana ad Alessandria d’Egitto (1828-1860), ancora in corso, consente una prima ‘fotografia’ della comunità toscana della città, una delle più numerose e importanti nel periodo che precede l’Unità d’Italia. Le carte, conservate presso l’Archivio storico diplomatico del Ministero degli affari esteri, accompagnano il lettore in un viaggio nella vita quotidiana della città, nei commerci e negli affari dei sudditi toscani.
    • by Costanza Lisi
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ABSTRAK Perusahaan Bengkel Tiga Putra Motor Garut merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang usaha otomotif yang melayani penjualan suku cadang dan pelayanan jasa servis. Dalam proses bisnisnya, pencatatan data transaksi penjualan.. more
Perusahaan Bengkel Tiga Putra Motor Garut merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang usaha otomotif yang melayani penjualan suku cadang dan pelayanan jasa servis. Dalam proses bisnisnya, pencatatan data transaksi penjualan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama karena data ditulis secara konvensional. Untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada Perusahaan Bengkel Tiga Putra Motor dibuatlah perancangan dan pembangunan aplikasi Sistem Informasi penjualan, pembelian dan persediaan suku cadang berbasis website. Metode yang digunakan untuk pembangunan sistem informasi menggunakan Model Waterfall dengan dimodelkan menggunakan Flow Map, Context Diagram dan Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Hasil akhir dari perancangan dan pembangunan aplikasi sistem informasi ini adalah adanya sebuah aplikasi yang dapat memberi kemudahan transaksi penjualan, pembelian, dan persediaan suku cadang pada Bengkel Tiga Putra Motor Garut sehingga proses transaksi menjadi lebih efektif dan efisisen.
    • by Hanhan H. Solihin
Although the city of Úbeda (Jaén, Spain) never had a duke or a count, it did have a figure of enormous political power and influence in Francisco de los Cobos y Molina (c.1477-1547). Born in Úbeda, in 1516 Cobos became secretary to the.. more
Although the city of Úbeda (Jaén, Spain) never had a duke or a count, it did have a figure of enormous political power and influence in Francisco de los Cobos y Molina (c.1477-1547). Born in Úbeda, in 1516 Cobos became secretary to the Emperor Charles V and took responsibility for the imperial finances, positions which made him into one of the most powerful people in Spain of that period despite his birth into the gentility in a small town far from court. This study aims to supplement the small amount of information around Cobos’ musical patronage in his home town through analysis of the musico-liturgical regulations and musical repertories related to the Sacra Capilla [Holy Chapel] of El Salvador, founded by Cobos as chapel-burial place.
    • by Javier Marín-López
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